Civil War | Motorhead |

Civil War

Testo Civil War

White noise is coming
The wolf at your door
Do you hear the drummin‘?
Outside your window
Outside your window

Civil war, civil war
All your yesterdays gone before
Civil war, civil war
Can you tell me what you‘re fighting for?

Soldiers of Fortune
The traitor within
Blood on the pale moon
Outside your window, outside your window

Children learn to kill
Bet your ass you‘ll pay the bill
Season of the dog
The dollar takes the place of God

Death laughs in your face
Anarchy will take your place
You give all your children guns
See what you have done
Backlash coming soon
Joker gonna call the tune

Your children are learning
You teach them to hate
Your cities are burning
Outside your window
Outside your window

Playlist Spotify

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